Friday, June 27, 2008

New Pix

I haven't put anything on the blog in quite some time. So, I thought I'd throw up (not in the vomit sense, but in the sense of "in a hasty manner") some recent photos of kiddos, etc. If you notice the glaring lack of photos of IP, chalk it up to the age in which one doesn't like holding still and posing for Mom (or anybody else with a camera for that matter.) I'll endeavor to put them with the newest stuff first.
AM has the unique and limber ability to yank her little legs up and put her feet over her ears. As an aging late-30something brittle boned adult, I find that very interesting. So, I took a picture of it. Ouch.


Here is our family trip to Arbuckle Wilderness, which apparently enjoys the distinction of being Oklahoma's #1 tourist attraction. (yawn) But, it was fun, and the children enjoyed themselves.

AM was the recent recipient of a bubble machine. All the kids and the dog were equally intrigued by this $8 wonder from Target. And all the kids and the dog were equally committed to trying to catch bubbles in their mouths. Eew.


Wichita Mountains, Oklahoma

JM atop Mount Scott in the Wichita Mountains, Okla. (Please understand the term "mountains" is applied generously here. "Rocky big hill-type things in the middle of an otherwise flat landscape" would be more accurate, albeit more wordy and less brochure-ready. But they are visually interesting.) Oh, and JM's shirt (for all you chocolate fans out there) doesn't really mean he's a chocoholic----it has to do with his math program that has colored blocks to manipulate and the "8" block is brown and thus, called, "Chocol-EIGHT." He received this shirt from the MathUSee guy, "Mr. Steve." JM's very proud of it. Freaky dead tree. I liked. I photographed it.

Los Tres Amigos. Sunset on Mt. Scott.

This is little Miss AM in the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma---back in Feb.08.

It's an itty-bitty flower she found that she wanted me to photograph for her.